
Mental Health Matters at Aerogen

FOURTEEN, as part of our 1-25 initiative, signifies the 14.7% of people who experience mental health issues in the workplace.

Our People and Organisnation Development team put together a truly wonderful day filled with speakers and announcing the launch of Aerogen’s Employee Assistance section on our intranet – AeroHub!

We heard from Dr Brian Pennie as he joined us for one of our popular internal event activities, Connect Chats. Dr Pennie is a Neuroscientist & Resilience Specialist, but his path to this career was an unconventional journey.

We also had the opportunity to donate €1,000 to the Roscommon Patient Comfort Care Treats Fund. An initiative set up by a past patient of their mental health unit. She shared with us her experience in coping with her mental health challenges as well as her time spent in hospital. The Comfort Care Treats Fund is a sum of money that is donated to the unit so that the workers can provide special lunches, activities and games for their in-patients.